The Farm

Welcome to Argabright Farm. We cannot advertise acres and are a long way from growing all our peppers, but we can boast is a chance to roast, taste and play around with some of the most interesting pepper varieties in the world.

With careful tending, we have turned our modest city lot into an oasis of flowers and vegetable and of course, hot peppers. This year we are growing 32 varieties including Goat Weed and Goat Horn, Trinidad 7 Pot, Rocotillo and Rocoto, and my personal favorite from last year, the Chien Chien. Our Mexican varieties include 4 different varieties (or just different names) of Negro Mole, Puya, Barkers, Mosco’s, and spicy Sandias. Like Thai? We have several bird varieties including Zimbabwe Black and a variety of Thai that and is hotter and bigger than it’s more infamous cousin, the Thai Bird.

While many of these are a treat to experience roasted or raw, most will pair amazingly well with a bounty of tomatoes and tomatillos to prepare salsas for proper meals through the winter. Many will hang from ristra’s for Harry’s famous enchilada sauce, providing sustenance and family meals to remember.

The peppers sit next to Romanesco zucchini, Crookneck and Pattypan squash, Tuscan kale, DeCicco broccoli, cabbage, French Filet green beans, 12 varieties of lettuce including Breen, the most flavorful Gem Romaine ever created.

Our herbs are nothing to sneeze at with a bounty of sage and thyme (handy at Thanksgiving), rosemary for that lamb dish no one will forget, and this year (finally) a successful crop of epazote for my pinto and black beans.

Goat Horn  Aleppo  The Garden Goat Weed  Condor's Beak  Peter Pepper  Purple Pepper  Carolina Reaper  Long Purple Pepper